Some popular books mistakenly claim that Christ is a copy from some Messiah myth pattern. But such legends are only echoes of the voice of the Lord God that the first man and woman heard in the Garden of Eden.

Christians believe that Jesus (or Iesus, Iesous, ‘Isa, Yeshua, etc.) is the hero that the Lord God spoke of in Genesis. More than that, Christians believe that Christ is God in the flesh. Christian scholars point out that the New Testament of the Bible teaches us that Christ is God.  The complete truth about this will unfold in time, at the Second Coming of Christ according to the holy scriptures.

Why do I consider Christ to be God? I will not go into the biblical details. It is easy enough to find the works of Christian scholars that explain all this. I will simply say that the New Testament points to Christ being God. If you pay attention, you undeniably see it. He did not sin and forgave sins. If you develop the idea, that alone is enough to be called God. But there is more. He often said that God and I are one. He makes the blind see. He quiets the storm with a word. He walks on water. He raised the dead and rose from the dead.